Debug by yourself

Debug by yourself

Published at 18/04/2023 22:00 by Duy Nguyễn.

1 min read

Today is a rainy and windy day, it is often said that rain often brings a lot of emotions. Maybe it's right for me. A little introduction, I'm Nam, a final year student in the nth year. And the knowledge in my head right now is a bunch of junk paper taking out some books and trying to stuff them into a book cover that says "Good" and trying to seed the book with the pretty cover, not the content. content book. Billionaire Bill Gates once said
If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
- Bill Gates
No successful person has never made a mistake, hopefully the mistakes that I share below can be of some help to you.

Wrong because of wrong opinion

What the hell need a college degree. Now there's no shortage of moms the company hires, it's good to be good.
This is my familiar saying every time I leave the subject. There's probably no shortage of such companies right now "They just need to make sure their future employees can get the job done". That makes me think that IT is one of the few fields that pay well without necessarily having a university or college degree. However, after a period of working, I suddenly realized that not having a degree is much worse than I thought.

Feeling weak

The first thing I want to say is "Feeling of weakness". The level of humanity is increasing, universities are also sprouting like mushrooms. There's even the phrase "universal university". It's a standard something like a high school diploma in the old days. So wherever I go, everyone is better than me. I always feel weak compared to others. This also has a good side but more of a bad side. Feeling weak makes you work harder and harder, but many people also feel self-conscious about this.

Large companies often have to have a degree

I've failed interviews with a number of companies, even being eliminated in the parking round. I simply don't have a university degree. At this point, I actually find that not having a degree is a huge disadvantage, because I see every job advertisement  "Required candidates to graduate from universities and colleges". When I go to an interview, I always have to show the product that I have made a jar, I have made a bottle, I know that a works like this, that b works like that. Because employers value qualifications or not, we cannot know in advance. Obviously I missed out on a few opportunities just because I lacked a college degree.
So no matter what, don't miss the opportunity to learn. "College is not the only way to success" but it is the shortest path to success. If someone asked me now, "Should I continue my university studies?" then my answer is always "YES"

The mistake of being too busy

My major is not about software engineering. All of my knowledge is self-taught. And the problem happened, no one told me how to start? Every field wants to try, every array wants to learn. Seeing something with a higher salary makes me want to jump into that segment. I didn't know the concept called Is the amount I get paid commensurate with the value I bring. That stupid and immature time when I surfed 108 forums and saw that "everyone" said that learning C / C ++ would make a lot of money, learning the web was easier to live, Python was the trend of all times, then the digital era must associated with Big Data. I rushed in again like moths. Confused and stuck, I'm a 12th grader who believes he's better than that and until now I'm still Finding the difference and asserting myself.

Mistakes because ego is too big

I have never asked anyone to fix bugs, fix code, review code
This is a statement I used to think was proud, but now see it as colossal stupidity. My ego is so big that I don't dare to ask other people's opinions, do not absorb experiences from friends and colleagues, but just sit quietly typing google search and read somewhere on the internet and think I'm superior.

The mistake of not studying English hard

If you read the document, just google translate it, no need to study hard
If I had a time machine of the robotic cat Doraemon, I would go back in time and kill the mother who said that.
Your English ability has a great influence on relationships and opportunities, especially for programmers. You cannot interview speaking Vietnamese with a company in the US. Then how do you talk to them about your experience and qualifications? There are many cases where they just see you as a beginner. With good English skills, you can absolutely demand higher salaries, better working environment,....


Maybe I'm even more stupid, have more failures. But certainly will not continue "stupid" with the old ones.
"If it's wrong, fix it, fix it, it's important to find the bug in you”
- Bui Van Nguyen -
I don't have the secret to success, nor am I good at giving advice, so I only wish those who might be like me "hard hands, soft keys, iron heart, steadfast heart". What matters is what you learn from your mistakes, mistakes you make won't ruin your career, but how you react to them can!!!
This is also an article by a friend of mine. And I asked the author's permission so I could reupload it for everyone to see.
Credit: TieuGum
Tags: otherdebug
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